If you’re a "Seinfeld" zealot like many of us at Accelerant, you know that today, December 23rd, is Frank Costanza’s annual made up holiday of Festivus. Since the year is winding down, we thought it would be fun to put our own market research spin on each of the three famous Festivus traditions...
So, we checked the crawlspace at Accelerant’s Charlotte, North Carolina Focus Group Facility headquarters, and it seems as though we’ve misplaced our Festivus Pole. However, we’re researchers, so we decided to conduct a ‘Festivus Poll’ instead. Here are the results from our Holiday Movie Net Promoter Score Survey:
2. THE AIRING OF GRIEVANCESI GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU SURVEY BOTS, AND NOW YOU’RE GONNA HEAR ABOUT IT!!! At Accelerant, we’re sticklers for data quality, and we’ve written several articles that that do a good job of airing our research quality grievances and offering up some tips on how to control for them, including:
- I Got Your Typing Tool Right Here… A Cautionary Tale About Segmentation Algorithms and Qualitative Research
- AI’s Biggest Impact on Market Research Should Terrify Us All
- Danger Will Robinson: All Bots are not as friendly as me
Rather than invite industry colleagues to Accelerant's offices to find out who can pin us, we decided to flex our qualitative research recruiting muscles instead. Our feat of strength is, for the second year in a row, we're happy to report that Accelerant's qualitative research recruiting team notched a 99% participant show rate across all projects in 2021.
A heartfelt Happy Holidays to all of our clients, partners, and colleagues from the team at Accelerant Research! We look forward to doing great things with you in 2022.